Looking for assistance? Email marcomm@wustl.edu with general inquiries. Or see our directory below to find the right person in University Marketing & Communications to help with your question or project.

Branded merchandise

Janelle Hizer

Creative services and logos

Tracy Collins

Danforth news and media relations

Sue Killenberg McGinn

Digital communications

Chris Amelung

Happenings calendar

Brittney Wheeler

Marketing and brand implementation

Jackie Ritchie

Marketing strategy and planning

Mike Bulthaus

Photography and video

Anne Davis Cleary

URL and email address approval

Karen Daubert

Washington magazine

Terri Nappier

Leadership team

Not sure where to turn? Any member of our leadership team can point you in the right direction or help you get started with your work:

Visit us

While we prefer to come to you, you are welcome at our offices anytime.

We are above Kaldi’s Coffee on Skinker.

This is also our delivery address.