In order to produce any merchandise item representing WashU for retail or internal departments, you must become a licensed supplier.

To begin the process of becoming a licensed supplier for WashU, please contact Exemplar Associates. You must also become a member of the Fair Labor Association in order for your application to be considered complete.  Please note at this time, we are not accepting any applications promotional product licenses.

Exemplar Associates

Rick Merriam, Founder

Once you have contacted Exemplar Associates, please complete our licensed supplier request form.

Crafter’s License

A crafter’s license was created to allow small crafters to create officially licensed merchandise.

A licensed crafter may only sell licensed merchandise directly to individual consumers through online marketplaces, craft shows, flea markets, holiday shows, festivals, gift marts, and at events organized by religious organizations, schools, counties, and states. To qualify for a crafter’s license, the licensee can only distribute and/or sell less than 500 licensed articles or less than $2000 in licensed articles annually. There is an annual fee of $100 that will cover the cost of the official licensed product stickers and upfront royalty.


If interested in becoming a licensed crafter, please contact:

Janelle Hizer
Assistant Director, Administration & Trademark Licensing