I’m a storyteller at heart, and everyday provides an opportunity to help WashU tell its remarkable story. From strategic communications through the news team through the In-Depth team, I am always on the lookout for content and ways to shape that content into compelling narratives.

I have been a member of the Marketing & Communications team since 2007, when I was hired to edit The Record when it was distributed through a strange medium called print. Since then, I have served as a writer, editor and news director for the news team and continue to manage and write the @wustlnews Twitter feed; have written for and continue to write for Washington Magazine; and am helping to launch a brand new In-Depth storytelling platform.

Prior to coming to WashU, I worked at The Sporting News as a writer and editor, covering, at various times, Major League Baseball, college football and college basketball. I continue to freelance a bit on the side, including, for the past 18 years, an award-winning lifestyle column in the nearby Webster-Kirkwood Times, where my WashU colleagues have been known to show up a time or two.