I started in the Office of Public Affairs as a news writer in 1983 — aka the dark ages, when typewriters and mimeograph machines were key to producing news releases. A year later, I took over as editor for seven years of the university newspaper, the Record, which was then a weekly eight-page printed tabloid. I still have an editor’s role with the Record, which is online only now.

My focus then and still today is to help publicize the incredible accomplishments and news of our faculty, students and staff and spread the university’s strong reputation for excellence worldwide.

Whether working with the local, national and international media, managing media communications for major events, serving as a university spokesperson or overseeing the hometown news release program, my interest always is helping tell the great stories around the university’s mission of teaching, learning and service.

I also serve as director of news and information for Arts & Sciences — the largest school on the Danforth Campus — helping to increase the awareness and appreciation of Arts & Sciences.

My husband, Jim, and I have two daughters, Bridget, who is a junior at Washington University, and Maggie, a high school freshman.