When referring to Washington University in St. Louis, use Washington University’s Board of Trustees on first reference; lowercase the board on second reference.

Capitalize Trustee, Emeritus Trustee and Emerita Trustee as a title before a university trustee’s name. Lowercase chair, vice chair, trustee, emeritus trustee and emerita trustee in other uses: University Trustee Stephen F. Brauer attended the meeting. Stephen F. Brauer, chair of the Board of Trustees, attended the meeting. He is a university trustee.

Use and lowercase emeriti trustees for the masculine plural; this also is the form when referring to retired trustees of both genders. Use and lowercase emeritae trustees for the feminine plural.

References to other boards and trustees are always lowercased: Ford trustee Jane Smith attended the meeting. She is on the board of trustees at Ford. She is on the board.