Color is an important part of visual branding. With consistent use, a particular color or color combination can be closely associated with a brand. Color is a way for the wide variety of WashU communications across many media types to present a cohesive visual expression.

Primary color

Lead with red

WashU’s primary brand color is red. When choosing colors for your communications, WashU red should have visual prominence. WashU red has become (with consistent use) closely associated with our visual brand, and we want to build upon that strong association. Layouts should lead with red.

WashU Red

Pantone 200
CMYK 0, 100, 59, 24

RGB 186, 12, 47

Secondary color

WashU’s secondary color is green, which is a complement to the primary red. Use care in combining red and green as they can have significant visual tension and can also be indistinguishable for people with certain color blindness. Red and green are used strategically together, as in the full-color WashU shield and in our athletics logos.

WashU Green

Pantone 350
CMYK 80, 43, 83, 42

RGB 33, 87, 50

Accent colors

The accent color palette is a carefully selected collection of hues that are intended to work well with WashU red and WashU green, as both complements and contrasts, as well as neutral shades. These colors are designed to support the main brand colors. Don’t use the accent colors as the main focus of layouts. 

Dark Red

Pantone 7427
CMYK 25, 100, 82, 22

RGB 151, 27, 47

Dark Green

Pantone 627
CMYK 84, 55, 70, 64

RGB 19, 50, 43


Pantone 2345
CMYK 0, 72, 51, 0

RGB 255, 109, 106


Pantone 7713
CMYK 100, 33, 42, 6

RGB 0, 125, 138


Pantone 143
CMYK 3, 32, 91, 0

RGB 241, 180, 52


Pantone 573
CMYK 29, 0, 18, 0

RGB 181, 227, 216

Neutral colors

Use neutral colors to give distinction to a layout in a more subtle way. The options of white and black are also acceptable to use as a way to distinguish elements of a design.


Print: Pantone
Cool Gray
CMYK 14, 11, 12, 0

RGB 217, 217, 214

Warm Gray

Print: Pantone
Warm Gray 1c
CMYK 15, 14, 17, 0

RGB 215, 210, 203


CMYK 0, 0, 0, 100

RGB 0, 0, 0


CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0

RGB 255, 255, 255

Use color purposefully

Lead with red. When a color is to be used prominently (such as on the cover of this brochure) the best choice is red, since it has the strongest brand association with WashU.

Limit your layouts to a few colors (with red being the most important) and reserve any secondary or accent colors as ways to create emphasis, rhythm or provide visual hierarchy.  

Accent color use

Accent colors can be used in conjunction with the primary and secondary colors. They can serve as backgrounds, to signal a change in subject, or to provide visual relief (such as in the brochure interiors below).


Use gradients to provide visual interest while keeping consistent with the hue that is used to create them.

Correct: Successful use of gradient between colors in the same hue.
Incorrect: Gradients of dissimilar colors creates poor contrast.

Color contrast

Ensure that you have good contrast between solid backgrounds and text.

Correct: Plenty of contrast between background and text.
Incorrect: Not enough contrast between background and text.

Multiple shades

Shades of the same hue offer visual harmony and help to connect related elements on the page.

Correct: Shades of the same hue are used to create connection.
Incorrect: Colors lack connection and create poor contrast.

Reverse text

When reversing text out of photos, ensure there is enough contrast.

Correct: Proper contrast between the photo and text.
Incorrect: Not enough contrast between photo and text.

Color and accessibility

The WashU color palette has been selected to maximize our ability to create content that complies with accessibility standards for those with limited vision or reading differences. It is primarily about color combinations with enough contrast between text and background colors. 

High Contrast


Text: White #ffffff

WashU Red, #BA0C2F

Contrast ratio:
6.60 to 1

High Contrast


Text: White #ffffff

WashU Green, #215732

Contrast ratio:
8.49 to 1

High Contrast


Text: Black #000000

Cool Gray, #D9D9D9

Contrast ratio:
14.88 to 1

Choose colors carefully to ensure text legibility in all media but especially in digital applications where users may require accessibility accommodations. 

This chart shows all the combinations of WashU colors that meet the accessible color-contrast standards for the visual representation of text.