A brand is a story: simple, memorable and true. It is the story we tell about who we are and why we exist. But it is also the mixture of facts, feelings, impressions and interpretations that people believe based on the signals we send.

WashU’s brand is grounded in our tripartite mission, reflects the vision of our strategic plan and embodies our values. It brings consistency to our message, image and voice and provides a foundation for deepening relationships with our audiences.

All WashU communicators should routinely consult the university’s brand strategy as we develop marketing plans, communications and content.


This is the conceptual core of our brand. Simple, elegant and memorable, it serves as a recall device for everything we say and do. Importantly, it is not a headline, tagline or slogan. It is an internal expression used as a gut check for the decisions we make and communications we create.

Individually great. Together distinct.


The world calls for transformative solutions to our deepest societal challenges, many of which we face at home in St. Louis. At WashU we fully apply ourselves, our resources and our work to addressing these challenges.

Who we are:

WashU is a community of brilliant minds and ambitious advocates who

What we do:

mobilize education, research and patient care

How we do it:

with a powerful culture of curiosity, collaboration and belonging

Why we do it:

to develop transformative solutions to the deepest societal challenges.


Personality is what humanizes our brand. When paired with a strong message, personality contributes to a distinct brand by creating emotional strength and resonance. These characteristics define the way our brand should look and feel — creating alignment between who we are and how that comes to life.

Intellectual and Open-Minded

Intelligence can manifest in many different ways. It’s in these differences that we find strength through intellectual inquiry and open, respectful discussion.

Receptive to new ideas

Grounded and Worldly

We are deeply aware of the circumstances facing people and our world today. So we invite the world to our home in St. Louis, to combat the inequities and disparity that plague our society and communities around the world.

Without hubris
Globally aware

Distinguished and Genuine

While we’re accomplished in our own right, we’re aware that knowledge knows no limits. We operate from a place of humility, driven by an honest desire to work with others.


High-Achieving and People-Centered

We’re incredibly driven to accomplish our personal bests, but we also believe that when one of us wins, we all win. At WashU, we lead with uncommon kindness and unstoppable tenacity. It requires us to take big risks, to learn from failure and to lift others up. We balance this better than most.


Storytelling framework

To create an authentic and distinct story for WashU, we draw on three themes revealed by research among our internal and external audiences. We use these themes to layer elements of our story together in ways that are relevant, unique and compelling in the market. Research revealed the three key themes below.


(what we do)

We mobilize research, education and patient care



(why we do it)

To establish WashU as a global hub for solutions to the deepest societal challenges



(how do it)

With a powerful culture of intellectual curiosity, uncommon collaboration and genuine belonging
